What Else? (C.COURT pictures)

Alcatraz island - San Fransisco Bay

San Fransisco sightseeing tour

Wonderful house paintings

San Fransisco City Hall

Smart district on the top of San Fransisco hills

Golden Bridge

Artistic view of Sequoia

Sequoia Park the land of giant trees

Sequoia Park a wonderful green paradise

Sequoia ambiance causes strange behaviour...We can say that it makes happiness!

Sequoia quiet place in the "giant museum"

Amusement park on the road to Las Vegas

Buffalos on the road to Bryce Canyon

American truck...so big...

Bryce Canyon also lets appear strange behaviour!

Amazing hoodoos landscape in Bryce Canyon

Breathtaking view down Bryce Canyon trails

Amazing Mother Nature

Bryce Canyon colors' world

Crazy Jump between Bryce Canyon' hoodoos

Bryce Canyon never ends to amazed human eyes!

Rodeo in Bryce downtown

On the road again...never ends landscape...

Far West view close to Moab

Archview campground so quiet

Sunset...sunrise...every day mother earth and father sky (Navajo faith) offer us a breathless sight!

Arches National Park

Indian writting on the cliff

Natural amphitheater on the Colorado river bank

Canyonland 4x4 tour...Amazing tour one more time!

Breathless road to go up the cliff with the 4x4 in Canyonland

Bambi in Mesa Verde

Monuments Valley - Navajo land

Monuments Valley artistic view

Lake Powell...seems like Neverland...

Carmel Franciscan mission

On the road to Big Sur, Pacific coast point of view

Lovely squirrel in Big Sur forest

Marina Beach

Birds flying over the cold Pacific ocean

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